

???????????????????? ?China -Norway Seafarer Joint Training project, started of it to the all-out?? ?support and wise guidance given running in?September 1999. We owe every bitby China 's Ministry of ?Foreign Affairs, of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation,??of Communications as well as those given by Norwegian??Prime Minister, the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of Tradeand Industry, and of Fishery.
?????????On the red-letter day when the opening ceremony was held, more than 100 guests were invited. On the Norwegian side, there were Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador to China , Consul general to Shanghai , and Director General of NSA. On the Chinese side, there were our ambassador to Norway , top leaders from China Maritime Safety Administration and chief executives of China Shipping.
?????????The purpose of the project is to train ships' officers in line with the requirements of STCW78/95. “Sandwich Mode” of teaching will be used here to ensure that graduates can satisfy the needs on the European labor market. The “Sandwich Mode” is that: first year, learning at academy to learn the basic navigation knowledge and English training; Second year, train onboard Norwegian Ships; Third year , come back to academy to learn the professional knowledge and get the competency certificates. The project will train the high-class seafarers which faced the Europe shipping market. Each year, Shanghai Maritime Academy and NSA will select the project cadets through English test, computer test and interview; at last the project will select 50 cadets (25 engine, 25 deck). The teachers which are all very excellent for the project will be arranged by SMA and NSA, some of the professional courses will be taught in English.


? ??????由中挪双方联合成立的上海中挪海员联合培训项目,在我国外交部、外经贸部、交通部和挪威王国政府首相及外交部、经贸部、渔业部等政府部门的大力支持和有效指导下,于1999年9月正式开班。挪威外交部秘书长、挪威驻华大使、挪威驻沪总领事、挪威船东协会董事长和我国驻挪威大使 、国家海事局领导、中国海运集团领导等100多位中外来宾出席了首届三年制高级海员班开学典礼。
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?????中挪海员联合培训项目根据《STCW78/95国际公约》要求,采用国际航海教育最新模式“三明治”教学模式开展教学,即,第一年,在学院学习航海基础知识和英语强化训练;第二年,经过面试,被挪威船东录用,上挪威船东船舶实习;第三年,返回学校进行专业知识学习并考取专业资格证书。项目培养面向欧美国际海员劳务市场的高级海员。招生纳入上海海事职业技术学院招生计划,每年从学院招收的新生中,由我院和挪威船东协会共同对新入校学生,通过英语测试,计算机测试,面试等过程,最终确定50名(25名轮机,25名驾驶)项目学员名单。项目师资力量雄厚,由中挪双方共同派出中、外优秀教师任教,部分专业课由外籍教师或我校教师直接用英语授课。

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